And the three of us are still alive!
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One year and countless smiles
smiles that you gave us and smiles that you drew on people's faces
immeasurable love
hours and hours of breastfeeding
not so many hours of sleep
giggles, silly faces, baby talk
many many firsts
first smile, first tooth, first steps
tons of food spread on floors, fingers, tables, faces
thousands of photographs
hundreds of times falling and standing up again
good mornings with your fingers in our ears or noses
mama, abba, tata
so much more to say, so many moments to appreciate
many tears but much more laughter
hours spend watching the rain fall
dancing the baby dance
dragging the tupperware out
"helping" mom
enjoying simple things... like potatoes in baskets as if they were gold
I love you, my baby girl, my mini me, my sunshine!
Happy Birthday!
One Year!
(I am serious about thousands of pictures. I feels like we documented every day of her life and my attempt to get a photo book ready failed due to overload of way too cute pictures)